We have lost our fellow Sister,
Sr. Adelia Elbertse passed away on October 28th, 2014 in community of Motherhouse Probolinggo - Indonesia.  

Sr. Adelia Maria Elbertse was born in Soest, The Netherlands, on July 1st, 1924

We say goodbye at the Eucharistic celebration on  October 31st, 2014 in the chapel of Motherhouse - Probolinggo. Afterwards she was laid to rest on the graveyard at Probolinggo- Indonesia. Sr. Adelia we thank you for your great dedication and your missionary spirit for the mission services in Indonesian province. You are forever in our hearts.
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We have lost our fellow Sister,
Sr. Maria Fransiska passed away on October 24th, 2014 in community of Surabaya - East Java Indonesia, The Netherlands.  

Sr. Fransiska was born in Klaten, Middle Java - Indonesia, on August 29th, 1946

We say goodbye at the Eucharistic celebration on  October 25th, 2014 in the parish Church "Kelahiran Santa Perawan Maria- Kepanjen Surabaya. Afterwards she was laid to rest on the graveyard at Kembang Kuning - Surabaya. Sr. Fransiska, you are forever in our hearts.
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We have lost our fellow Sister,
Sr. Jopie Witteman passed away on October 2nd, 2014 in community of Lage Vuursche - The Netherlands.  

Sr. Jopie Johanna Wilhelmina Witteman was born in Hillegom, The Netherlands, on October 25th, 1932

We say goodbye at the Eucharistic celebration on Wednesday October 8th, 2014 in the chapel of Lage Vuursche. Afterwards she was laid to rest on the graveyard at Lage Vuursche. Sr. Jopie Witteman, you are forever in our hearts.

read more her biography